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Over 23 Million Breached Accounts Were Using ‘123456’ as Password

A cyber survey conducted by the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) revealed that ‘123456’ is still the most

Magecart Skimming Code Found on GitHub

Security experts are warning e-commerce site webmasters to be prepared for more Magecart attacks after spotting skimming code uploaded to

Amnesty International Hong Kong Office Hit by State-Sponsored Attack

The Hong Kong office of Amnesty International has been hit by a long-running cyberattack carried out by China-linked hackers. Amnesty

NIST ACTS Toolkit Could Find Finds Bugs Safety-Critical Systems

US NIST updates its Automated Combinatorial Testing for Software (ACTS) research toolkit that should help experts in finding bugs in

Parrot Security OS 4.6 Released with New Updates for Hacking Tools & Important Vulnerability Fixes

Parrot 4.6 Released by Parrot security with so many updates that bring all the hacking tools on the table with

Signed Malspam Campaigns Hit Europeans with Multi-Stage JasperLoader

Experts observed several malspam campaigns using signed emails to deliver the GootKit banking Trojan (aka talalpek or Xswkit). Threat actors

Most Important Data Protection Policies to Keeping Your Personal, Official, Financial Data Safe

The recent compromise of Facebook privacy has caused ripples of fear as to whether any data can be safe. Yes.

Critical Flaw in P2P Software Let Hackers to Hijack 2 Million IoT Devices Remotely & Spy Their Owners

A serious security flaw uncovered in iLnkP2P, a peer-to-peer (P2P) communications software component lets hackers hijack and gain access to

Security Vulnerabilities in Sony Smart TVs Expose WiFi Passwords and Stored Images

Security vulnerabilities in Android-based Sony smart TVs allow attackers to access WiFi Passwords and the images stored on the devices.

Docker Hub Database Hacked, 190,000 Users Impacted

Docker became aware of unauthorized access to a Docker Hub database that exposed sensitive information for roughly 190,000 users. Docker

Magecart Skimmer Scripts Hosted on GitHub Infected 200+ e-Commerce Sites

Security experts discovered hosted on GitHub the skimmer scripts used by Magecart cybercrime gang to compromised Magento installations worldwide. Experts

Beapy Cryptojacking Campaign Leverages EternalBlue Exploit to Spread

Security experts uncovered a new cryptojacking campaign tracked as Beapy that leverages the NSA’s DoublePulsar backdoor and the EternalBlue exploit.

BIND DNS Software Vulnerability Let Remote Attackers to Cause a Denial-of-service Condition

Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) published security updates for vulnerabilities in BIND DNS software that allows an remote attacker to cause

Amnesty International Hong Kong Attacked

The Hong Kong branch of Amnesty International has reportedly been the target of a sophisticated state-sponsored attack believed to have

Pros Feel Aligned with Board, Still Fear a Phish

After years of requesting a seat at the table, cybersecurity professionals are starting to feel that they see eye to

IoT Set to Put Strain on Cyber Skills Market

UK demand for cybersecurity skills rose 10% year-on-year in the last quarter of 2018, with adoption of the Internet of