Web Application Security

Why Security Should Be A Priority For An ERP Ecosystem

In May of this year, organisations across the globe were hit by a malicious ransomware attack that left over 230,000

7 Patch Management Practices Guaranteed To Help Protect Your Data

We’re in an era in which pre-packaged exploit services make it possible for the average Joe, with no technological experience

7 Database Security Best Practices

Databases – by definition – contain data, and data such as credit card information is valuable to criminals. That means

Three Effective Ways to Make Application Security Testing a Successful Part of Your DevOps Program

From the latest agile development tools to innovative delivery platforms such as containers, DevOps is changing how people and businesses

What is the Difference Between an IPS and a Web Application Firewall?

We are all somewhat familiar with Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs). But what is all this talk of Web Application Firewalls

5 ERP Security Risks to Be Aware Of

One of the interesting things about the term ERP is that it is a name that as much describes what