Scanning for OWASP Top 10 With w3af – An Open-source Web Application Security Scanner
w3af is an open-source web application security scanner (OWASP Top 10) which enables developers and penetration testers to distinguish and exploit vulnerabilities in their web applications especially OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities.
This tool also provides GUI framework but sadly most of the time GUI mode hangs up, most recommended ins to work with w3afconsole.
It is also called as “Metasploit for the web” but actually, it is more than that. w3af uses black-box scanning techniques and it has more than 130 plugins and can detect 200+ vulnerabilities including XSS, Injection, LFI, and RFI,CSRF and more.
To start with w3af:~# w3af and then to load help menu w3af>>> help.

To navigate the profiles w3af>>> profiles and to list all the possible options w3af/profiles>>> list

You need to select the Profile as OWASP_10 w3af/profiles>>> use OWASP_10

Then you need to define the target to start the Scan w3af/profiles>>>back. to get back to the main menu and then
w3af>>> target
w3af/config:target>>> set target domain.com
w3af/config:target>>> save
w3af/config:target>>> back
It will save all the configurations.

Then you need to start the scan with w3af.
w3af >> start

Normally scan will take around 20 minutes to complete the all OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities, depends upon the target it may vary. Happy pentesting!!
This post Scanning for OWASP Top 10 With w3af – An Open-source Web Application Security Scanner originally appeared on GB Hackers.