scanless – A Pentesting Tool to Perform Anonymous Open Port Scan on Target Websites
June 25, 2019 Share

scanless – A Pentesting Tool to Perform Anonymous Open Port Scan on Target Websites

port scans

Network Penetration Testing determines vulnerabilities on the network posture by discovering Open ports, Troubleshooting live systems, services, port scans and grabbing system banners.

Port Scanner is an application used to perform an open port scan with server or hosts. Open ports are the gateway for attackers to enter in and to install malicious backdoor applications.

scanless – Open Port Scanner

It is Command-line utility for exploitation websites which will perform Open port scan on your behalf. This tool helps early stages of a penetration testing to run an open port scanner on a bunch and have it not come back from your IP address.

Port Scanners Supported

  • yougetsignal
  • viewdns
  • hackertarget
  • ipfingerprints
  • pingeu
  • spiderip
  • portcheckers
  • t1shopper

Open Port Scanner

It is simple and easy to use the tool, can get results in minutes and also it to stay Anonymous. you can download the tool from github.

To install scanless and help

sudo pip install scanless
scanless -help

port scans

To list all the supported scanners

scanless -l

port scans

To Run Scan

scanless -s yougetsignal -t

port scans

scanless -s pingeu -t

port scans

Author : Austin Jackson

This post scanless – A Pentesting Tool to Perform Anonymous Open Port Scan on Target Websites originally appeared on GB Hackers.

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