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Royal Yachting Association Resets Passwords After Breach

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is forcing a password reset for all online users after warning some that their data

Citrix Flaw Exploited by Ransomware Attackers

Reports have emerged of multiple attempts to exploit a Citrix vulnerability, delivering ransomware to enterprise victims including a German car

Chrome and Firefox Clamp Down on Suspicious Behavior

Both Chrome and Firefox administrators have had to take action recently to halt the spread of malware via extensions and

A New Piece of Ryuk Stealer Targets Government, Military and Finance Sectors

A new piece of the Ryuk malware has been improved to steal confidential files related to the military, government, financial

Cisco Webex Flaw Let Unauthenticated Remote Attackers to Join Private Meetings Without Password

Cisco addressed a critical security vulnerability in Cisco Webex Meetings Suite sites and Online sites that allow an unauthenticated attacker

US Rolls Out New Bill to Reform NSA Surveillance

US senators have proposed a bill that would drastically reform the surveillance practices of the National Security Agency (NSA) and

Iran Hacking Group Used Open Source Multi-platform PupyRAT to Attack Energy Sector Organization

PupyRAT is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) is a remote administration and post-exploitation tool. It was written in python,

Snake Ransomware That Written in Golang Language Removes Backup Shadows Copies & Encrypt Windows Files

Researchers observed new snake ransomware that written in Golang targeting Windows users to encrypt the system files and remove the

Expert Released DOS Exploit PoC for Critical Windows RDP Gateway Flaws

Danish security researcher Ollypwn has released DOS exploit PoC for critical vulnerabilities in the Windows RDP Gateway. The Danish security

NK CARROTBALL Dropper Used in Attacks on U.S. Govn Agency

A US Government agency was hit with a phishing attack attempting to deliver a new malware dropper dubbed CARROTBALL. Security

US Issues Cybersecurity Warnings Over Flawed Medical Devices

Warnings have been issued in the United States after cybersecurity flaws were detected in medical monitoring devices manufactured by GE

London Police Adopt Facial Recognition Technology as Europe Considers Five-Year Ban

London’s Metropolitan Police Service has announced that it will start using live facial recognition (LFR) technology to scan public areas

#BSidesLeeds: Credential Stuffing Often Seen as “Volume” Cybercrime

Speaking at BSides Leeds, security researcher Darren Martyn explored the issue of credential stuffing, calling it an “exploding problem on

#BSidesLeeds: Cyber is Running the World, More Innovation to Come

In the opening keynote at BSides Leeds head of cybersecurity research Daniel Cuthbert said that we are “in the best

European Energy Firm Targeted by RAT Linked to Iran

Security researchers have discovered a new cyber-espionage operation with links to Iranian state hacking groups targeting a major European energy

Ransomware Payments Doubled and Downtime Grew in Q4

The average ransomware payment more than doubled quarter-on-quarter in the final three months of 2019, while average downtime grew by