
The value of contactless card fraud has almost doubled in the UK over the past year, although still remains a tiny fraction of overall card losses, according to Action Fraud. The national fraud reporting service claimed that there were 2739

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has revealed that a software bug exposed the personal data of 285 customers, including seven with passport details, after a change was instituted on their website over the weekend. A software glitch reportedly caused a data breach

A WhatsApp hoax message has reportedly resurfaced, raising concern among users who have received what appear to be different versions of fake chain messages that have been actually circulating for a few years. Scammers are leveraging the current state of

The Advanced Cyber Security Center (ACSC) has published its first annual report, “Leveraging Board Governance for Cybersecurity, the CISO / CIO Perspective,” the results of which highlight the need for boards to be active governance partners in collaborative cyber defense.

The website of the tram system in Dublin, the Luas, was hacked on Thursday, attackers claim to have the access to information stored on the organization’s systems. Attackers defaced the website of the Luas, the home page displayed a message

Three-fifths (60%) of US organizations have experienced security incidents related to their use of containers over the past year, according to new research from Tripwire. The vendor polled over 300 IT security professionals who manage these environments at firms of

A new variant of the NRSMiner is infecting users in the southern region of Asia, most of the victims are in Vietnam (54%), Iran (16%) and Malaysia (12%). The new version leverages the EternalBlue exploit to spread, experts observed that

A misconfigured AWS S3 bucket is the root cause of a data leak that impacted 2.4 million Blur users, reported the online privacy firm Abine. Blur is a popular password manager developed by the online privacy firm Abine, it also

A unique phishing template using fake fonts to evade detection and to better steal user credentials for a major US bank has been discovered, according to new research from Proofpoint. Researchers identified what they are calling a first-of-its kind phishing

A serious DoS flaw affects several industrial automation products manufactured by the Yokogawa Electric. The DoS vulnerability in several Yokogawa Electric products affects the Open Communication Driver for Vnet/IP, a real-time plant network system for process automation. The flaw, tracked

Victims of the Aurora Ransomware could use a decryptor tool developed by the popular malware researcher Michael Gillespie to decrypt their data for free. Good news for the victims of the Aurora Ransomware, there are many variants of this Windows

Over 7.5 million players of online game Tower of Salem have been affected by a data breach at developer BlankMediaGames (BMG) over the Christmas holidays. Hacked database search engine provider DeHashed explained in a blog post on Tuesday that it

The Marriott breach announced on November 30, 2018, was initially suspected to have compromised the data of nearly 500 million customers, but on Friday the Starwood company updated its database security incident advisory to reflect what it now believes to

Researchers at Trend Micro discovered spyware that had successfully disguised itself as a legitimate Android application. Initially found in a game called Flappy Birr Dog, the malware has been widely distributed, affecting users from 196 different countries. According to research,

The German political establishment is reeling after personal data and communications from hundreds of politicians including Chancellor Angela Merkel were released by hackers. Discovered only yesterday, the information had actually been released over the past fortnight by Twitter user ‘G0d’,

A series of cyber-robbery attacks have been targeting financial organizations in Eastern Europe, according to new research from Kaspersky Lab. Researchers found that the series of attacks, dubbed DarkVishnya, have affected at least eight banks in the region, with estimated