Wyden plans bill opposing law enforcement hacking expansion
May 6, 2016
Shah Sheikh (1294 articles)

Wyden plans bill opposing law enforcement hacking expansion

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is planning to introduce legislation to reverse proposed amendments to Rule 41 within days, an aide to Sen. Wyden told SCMagazine.com.

The amendments to Rule 41, which governs criminal procedure, were adopted by a Supreme Court committee last week and represent “the largest expansion of search and seizure powers in the history of the United States,” defense attorney Tor Ekeland told SCMagazine.com.

Congress has 180 days to accept or reject the amendments, which would grant broad powers to law enforcement agencies to hack and access electronic information – allowing judges to issue warrants outside the court’s district – and remove limitations on those investigating Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) violations.

They could set off additional roadblocks for the proposed Privacy Shield agreement between U.S. and Europe.

Wyden is speaking with co-sponsors interested in his bill, the aide said.

Source | SCMagazine