NSA GitHub
National Security Agency (NSA) has officially joined GitHub and has launched an official GitHub page.
GitHub is an online repository where you can share source code for a lot of applications and services. NSA will be sharing 32 different projects as a part of their NSA Technology Transfer Program (TTP).
Projects published
- Certificate Authority Situational Awareness (CASA): A tool that identifies unexpected and prohibited Certificate Authority certificates on Windows systems
- Control Flow Integrity: A hardware-based method for preventing memory corruption exploitations
- GRASSMARLIN: Provides network situational awareness of ICS and SCADA networks to support network security
- OpenAttestation: Verifies system integrity
- RedhawkSDR: A software-defined radio (SDR) framework to support the development, deployment, and management of real-time software radio applications
The full list of the projects can be found here and the GitHub page.
Source: http://thehackernews.com/2017/06/nsa-github-projects.html