Posts From CCME

A merger agreement has been signed between American software companies GlobalSCAPE and HelpSystems. The impending move was jointly announced by both companies earlier today, along with the news that HelpSystems will acquire all outstanding shares of GlobalSCAPE for $9.50 per

A new initiative intended to represent UK-based data protection officers (DPOs) has been launched to provide insight into the development of the privacy industry. Managed by the DPO Center and the Data Protection World Forum, the index will aim to

The UK government has failed to meet a crucial General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirement in its COVID-19 Test and Trace program, putting people’s privacy rights at risk, according to the Open Rights Group (ORG). This follows an admission by

UK consumers were targeted by a new phishing scam falsely purporting to be from leading UK supermarket Tesco, litigation firm Griffin Law has discovered. The scam, which used a fake Facebook page as well as SMS and email communication, aimed

The Tetrade term coined by Kaspersky experts to refer four large banking trojan families developed and spread by Brazilian crooks worldwide. Cybersecurity researchers from Kaspersky Lab have detailed four different families of Brazilian banking trojans, tracked as Tetrade, that have targeted financial

OWASP is an online community that deals with different security challenges and OWASP stands for the “Open Web Application Security Project.” So, while managing a website, it’s essential to learn about the best critical security risks and vulnerabilities. OWASP has

Nearly one million records containing the personal information of online students have been leaked after cloud misconfigurations by five e-learning platforms, according to WizCase. The VPN comparison site found four misconfigured and unencrypted AWS S3 buckets and one unsecured Elasticsearch

Cybercrime offenses reported by individuals and businesses have risen 23% over the past year, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The UK government body explained that 26,215 incidents were referred to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) by

ThiefQuest is an exclusive malware for macOS, it has begun circulated on online piracy websites and digital download repositories. The malware is also known as EvilQuest. The malware has encryption capabilities, but encryption is not its primary attack method, it

The recent sensational incident of Twitter Hack shacking the cybersecurity community unlike any other attack that Twitter has ever faced. So many top profile influential profiles were abused to scam million of users and steal thousands of dollars in Bitcoin. After the

A vulnerability affecting the Zoom feature dubbed Vanity URL could have been exploited by hackers for phishing attacks. A vulnerability affecting the Zoom feature dubbed Vanity URLs could have been exploited by hackers for phishing attacks. The popularity of the

A group of hacktivists that goes online with the name Ghost Squad Hackers has defaced for the second time in a week a site of the European Space Agency (ESA). Last week a group of hackers that goes online with

The social media giant Twitter confirmed that hackers compromised 130 accounts in last week hack and downloaded data from eight of them. The social media platform Twitter suffered one of the biggest cyberattacks in its history, multiple high-profile accounts were hacked.

ATM maker Diebold Nixdorf is warning banks a new ATM black box attack technique that was recently employed in cyber thefts in Europe. Black box attacks are a type of jackpotting attack aimed at forcing an ATM to dispense the cash

Last Week SAP releases updates to fix critical security vulnerability found in the SAP NetWeaver AS JAVA (LM Configuration Wizard) versions 7.30 to 7.50. The vulnerability can be tracked as CVE-2020-6287 and it is rated with a maximum CVSS score

After months of inactivity, the infamous Emotet trojan has surged back with a new massive spam campaign targeting users worldwide. The notorious Emotet went into the dark since February 2020, but now has surged back with a new massive spam