
Remote workers may be exposing their personal and business accounts to the risk of takeover because of poor password security, according to new studies released on World Password Day. The annual event exists to remind users of the importance of

Due to coronavirus pandemic, many companies around the world asked employees to work from home, which increases the usage of video conferencing apps. Researchers from Trend Micro observed a new campaign that leverages several popular messaging apps including Zoom. In

The largest private hospital operator in Europe has been struck by a ransomware attack as the continent strives to prevent healthcare systems from being overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Cyber-criminals, apparently unburdened by a conscience, launched an attack on the

Over half of employees working from home during COVID-19 watch inappropriate content on the same devices they use for work, according to Kaspersky’s How COVID-19 Changed the Way People Work report. This is making businesses’ IT systems more vulnerable to

New research has found that more men than women fall victim to cybercrime and it could have something to do with password practices. A study published April 29 by password manager NordPass found that women are more likely to use

Boston City Council is today considering implementing regulations that would limit what information school district officials can share with law enforcement. A proposal put forward by councilors suggests that schools should not be allowed to give police any information regarding

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has formally asked Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to remove 292 scam web addresses exploiting the coronavirus outbreak since March 23, according to official figures. The Freedom of Internet Act data, obtained by Griffin Law,

WordPress administrators are being urged to ensure all of their plug-ins are up-to-date, after researchers detected a 30-fold increase in attack traffic targeting mainly cross-site-scripting vulnerabilities. The surge in malicious traffic over the past few weeks appeared to peak on

SAP (Systems Applications and Products) announced on Monday that they are to patch security issues with some of their cloud-based products. The bugs are identified as a part of the internal cybersecurity audit and the company already started working on

Over two-fifths (41%) of global businesses have cut cybersecurity budgets due to COVID-19-related financial pressures, according to new research from Barracuda Networks. The survey of over 1000 business decision-makers illustrates the potentially serious impact the pandemic could have on organizations’

GoDaddy, the world’s largest domain registrar and hosting provider announced a data breach that impacts web hosting account credentials. The company notified unauthorized party access to their web hosting account credentials used to connect via SSH. Godaddy found that the

As temporary school closures due to COVID-19 push education online, a US platform is striving to make remote learning a safe experience for schools and K-12 students. ManagedMethods, a leading Google G Suite and Microsoft 365 cybersecurity and student safety

A Florida university’s virtual graduation ceremony was stymied on Sunday by a cyber-attack. Florida Gulf Coast University’s Class of 2020 was due to take part in a digital spring commencement ceremony managed by StageClip at 10am on May 3. The

The UK Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, has said he has evidence that advanced persistent threat (APT) groups are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to attack national and international organizations that are responding to the crisis. During the UK government’s daily coronavirus

More than two-thirds of cybersecurity professionals have no confidence they would be able to prevent a wireless attack, the second instalment of the Wireless Security: 2020 Internet of Evil Things report by Outpost24 has revealed. The study has highlighted the

The Cyberthreat uses COVID-19 themed malspam to distribute the Trickbot malware, says IBM Security Researchers. This time attacker utilizes FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) to lure the user over COVID-19 medical leaves with the attachment named “Family and Medical