
A new ransomware family called Crypt38 uses a simple encryption routine that allowed Fortinet researchers to reverse-engineer the process and find a method of unlocking files. Named Crypt38 because it appends the .crypt38 extension to all encrypted files, this ransomware’s

Apple’s war for encryption continued at the 2016 WWDC event in San Francisco. On Wednesday, during a security presentation at the event, Apple announced that it will require all iOS apps to use HTTPS connections by January 1, 2017. The

Apple is to require the use of secure communications for nearly all its iOS applications starting from the beginning of next year, the company announced at its developer conference. The move extends Apple’s aggressive stance on encryption, which in recent

WhatsApp is considered as the best mobile messengers in the world for many good reasons. It works across platforms including Android, Blackberry, iPhone, Symbian, and Windows. It allows easy instant messaging between users of different systems and international carriers. It

The Internet encryption protocol TLS – short for Transport Layer Security – is being fundamentally modified. Involved in attacks, researchers headed by Prof Dr Jörg Schwenk from Ruhr-Universität Bochum have contributed to revealing security gaps in the protocol. The Bochum

Here’s what’s particularly disturbing about techno-futurists right now: Software is so widely distributed, so persistent and attainable that any fantastical idea, the wacky and the unchecked, of which Silicon Valley loves to promote, is just leading to more everyday destruction.

The cryptocurrency experiment that raised over $US150 million worth of cryptocurrency last month has been hacked, putting into sharp focus how far decentralised networks have to go before they can be safely used by the masses. The DAO, or Decentralised Autonomous Organisation,

World’s top computer manufacturer Acer has suffered a data breach at its U.S. e-commerce site, The website was hacked by unknown hackers who may have access to buyers names, mailing addresses and credit card information. The hack attack may

NEW DELHI: Increased technology usage and digitisation of the economy have escalated cyberattacks in India, and nearly 70% of Nifty 50 companies are vulnerable tohackers, reveals a PwC survey. According to the report, out of the 50 companies studied, 34

Smartphone making companies are now in a race to outdo each other. That race has seen a rise in the number of phones that are released every year. That race has seen smartphone making companies such as Apple and Samsung

By their very nature, remote access tools represent something of a security risk. It’s only a couple of weeks since TeamViewer users complained about account hijacking, and now GoToMyPC has been hit by hackers. The service has been hit by

NEW YORK: Hackers have diverted more than $50 million in digital currency from an experimental fund meant to demonstrate that such money is safe for use, according to the New York Times. The sum was stolen from a project called the

The Russian hackers who hit the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign burrowed much further into the U.S. political system, sweeping in law firms, lobbyists, consultants, foundations and the policy groups known as think tanks, according to a person

A new survey suggests some dealerships could be vulnerable to cyberattacks that endanger the personal information of their customers. Such data breaches not only would prove an immediate business threat to dealerships, they also could result in spooked consumers never

MOSCOW — A sense of menace stirs right off the elevator on the fifth floor of Kaspersky Lab’s Moscow headquarters, where a small television screen displays cyberthreats occurring in real time around the world — a blinking, spinning, color-coded globe

Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency says authorities have arrested a suspect in the hacking of several websites of state-run organizations. It quotes the Revolutionary Guard on Saturday as saying its cybercrimes unit arrested the hacker, who referred to himself online