Booz Allen Hamilton


In a world where everyone is connected, our future is tied to the access, availability, and synthesis of information. That’s why Booz Allen has pioneered a multidisciplinary approach to cybersecurity – one that leverages game-changing technologies and standards to maximize security in the digital environment.

Regional Leadership

Ramez Shehadi
Executive Vice President & Managing Director, MENA

Prior to joining Booz Allen in 2014, Ramez served as a mechanical engineer at Stone & Webster, a research associate at CMTE Think Tank, a senior associate at A.T. Kearney, senior director of product development at eBreviate and as a vice president and lead partner at Booz & Company. He was once a competitive eight meter class amateur sailor and medaled in the 1999 World Championships.

Flagship Products and Solutions

Booz Allen Cyber4Sight's : threat intelligence solutions draws on the expertise of a diverse group of analysts to provide intelligence monitoring services and tactical and strategic analysis culled from 170,000 targeted sources.

District Defend™ location-based security solution minimizes risk to your data and your organization by enabling you to implement security measures at a centralized level.

Virtual Cloud Defense: helps secure workloads and protect your data by deploying cost-effective cloud workload protection and security services.

Booz Allen CyberSim® training and assessment solution evaluates vital cyber skills with real-life work sample challenges that reflect the latest cyber landscape.





Regional Contact

United Arab Emirates
Dubai International Financial Center
Gate Precinct 3, Level 4
P.O. Box 506898
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 4 511 9511
