
The Investigatory Powers Bill is set to force technology companies and internet service providers to implement backdoor access on any devices they sell to give law enforcement agencies access to customers’ data on demand. Section 189 of IP Bill which

A long line of people snakes through the halls until it winds down a flight of stairs. Over a thousand fans anxiously wait for the doors to open inside the Austin Convention Center. They’re here to see the creator and

On March 1, Brazilian federal police arrested Diego Dzodan for his failure to turn over decrypted WhatsApp messages for a drug investigation. Dzodan is a vice president at Facebook, the parent company of WhatsApp, which offers its customers “end-to-end” encryption of their messages.

Mark Zuckerberg has a gargantuan social network. If you add up the number of accounts from the services he owns – Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram – you get a figure of 3.5bn, which is roughly half the world’s population.

Representative Katherine Clark (D-MA) has announced a new federal bill to ramp up cybercrime enforcement training for police departments and create a national resource center that hosts a cybercrime-specific library. Clark announced the bill at a SXSW panel about how

Despite being just a few months in, 2016 has seen big changes in the cybersecurity industry. The White House recently proposed a $3.1 billion Information Technology Fund that will enable the modernisation of legacy IT and the creation of a

Computer hacker Will Strafach had no trouble seizing control of the original iPhone. Same went for later generations over the next five years. But by now, Apple has introduced so many layers of protection inside its flagship device that Strafach

Small businesses with global ambitions will soon have a new cloud partner — at least wherever Vodafone has data centers. Vodafone Total Cloud Flex is a virtual private cloud service that can be managed via a self-service portal, and directly

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then VMware has just told the world that Nimble Storage is a really great company. Virtzilla has signalled an intention to give its VSAN software-defined storage code the backing of an analytics

MANILA—The Philippines’ Anti-Money Laundering Council is preparing charges against a number of people allegedly involved in the illegal transfer of more than $80 million from a Bangladesh Bank account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to a number

President Obama used his historic appearance at the South By Southwest (SXSW) festival Friday in Austin, Texas to expound on the importance of innovation, making a point of not taking a side in the Apple/FBI conflict over accessing the data in the

Anti-DDoS firm, Staminus Communications Inc., a California-based Internet hosting provider that specializes in providing protection for customers from massive “distributed denial of service” (DDoS) attacks aimed at knocking sites offline, has itself apparently been massively hacked. The company’s entire network

Intelligence agencies fighting a fierce battle against ISIS have scored a massive victory by capturing a USB drive containing personal data for 22,000 ISIS fighters. The win is akin to hacking ISIS’s “human resources” department, as the USB drive in

You’re about to drive to work. You turn on the ignition – and a message on the dash lights up. “We’ve hacked your car! Pay 10 bitcoin to get it back.” Hacking into software and then demanding a ransom to

CYBER CENSORSHIP THREATENS the future of the Internet, which is why Amnesty International and Internet browser extension AdBlock are marking the World Day against Cyber Censorship by offering AdBlock’s 50 million users the opportunity to see messages on their screen

Nullcon Hacker Craig Smith has designed an attack whereby a car bearing malicious code could infect computers used in mechanics’ workshops. The workshop computers emerge capable of infecting nearly any other vehicle that arrives for service. Smith’s attack is a