Mac Users Using Exodus Cryptocurrency Wallet Targeted by a Small Spam Campaign
Security researchers at F-Secure have recently uncovered a small spam campaign aimed at delivering spyware to Mac users that use Exodus wallet.
Security experts at F-Secure have recently spotted a small spam campaign aimed at Mac users that use Exodus cryptocurrency wallet.
The campaign leverages Exodus-themed phishing messages using an attachment named “Exodus-MacOS-1.64.1-update.zip.” The messages were sent by accounts associated with the domain “update-exodus[.]io”, the attackers used it to trick victims into believing that it was a legitimate domain used by the Exodus organization.
The malware poses itself as a fake Exodus update, it is using the subject “Update 1.64.1 Release – New Assets and more”. Experts pointed out that the latest released version for Exodus is 1.63.1.
“Based on the spy tool’s website, it appears that it does not only support Mac, but Windows as well. ” concludes F-Secure. “It’s not the first time that we’ve seen Windows threats target Mac. As the crimeware threat actors in Windows take advantage of the cryptocurrency trend, they too seem to want to expand their reach, thus also ended up targeting Mac users.”
Further details about the campaign, including IoCs are reported in the analysis published by F-Secure.
This post Mac Users Using Exodus Cryptocurrency Wallet Targeted by a Small Spam Campaign originally appeared on Security Affairs.