CertiKOS: Yale develops world’s first hacker-resistant operating system
November 16, 2016
Seid Yassin (557 articles)

CertiKOS: Yale develops world’s first hacker-resistant operating system

Computer scientists at Yale University in the US have developed the world’s first super-secure computer operating system running on multi-core processors. It aims to keep hackers out and shield against cyberattacks by reengineering the way computers are traditionally built.

The kernel is the central core of a computer’s operating system and has complete control over everything that occurs in the system. It is usually loaded into a protected area of the computer’s memory, and helps to connect software applications to the hardware in a computer.

Computer scientists at Yale University in the US have developed the world’s first super-secure computer operating system running on multi-core processors. It aims to keep hackers out and shield against cyberattacks by reengineering the way computers are traditionally built.

The kernel is the central core of a computer’s operating system and has complete control over everything that occurs in the system. It is usually loaded into a protected area of the computer’s memory, and helps to connect software applications to the hardware in a computer.

Source | ibtimes