45% of Businesses Say Employees Are Biggest Security Risk
Despite facing mostly external attacks, nearly half (45%) of businesses believe their greatest security risk comes from their own employees, according to the 2018 Netwrix Cloud Security Report. The blame falls more heavily on IT staff (39%) and businesses users (33%) as much as, or more than, it does on cloud providers (33%).
Common cloud security concerns are the same across respondents, which represent 853 organizations. The greatest is risk of unauthorized access (69%), risk of malware infiltrations (50%), and the inability to monitor activity of employees in the cloud (39%).
Cloud security will continue to be an issue as most businesses plan to move more data to the cloud and begin storing sensitive data in cloud environments. The bulk of this will be customer (50%), employee (45%), and financial (37%) data. Part of the problem will be getting executives on board: only 66% of respondents have upper-level support for cloud security projects.
Source | darkreading