NSA GitHub
June 21, 2017
Shah Sheikh (1294 articles)

NSA GitHub


National Security Agency (NSA) has officially joined GitHub and has launched an official GitHub page.

GitHub is an online repository where you can share source code for a lot of applications and services. NSA will be sharing 32 different projects as a part of their NSA Technology Transfer Program (TTP).

Projects published

  • Certificate Authority Situational Awareness (CASA): A tool that identifies unexpected and prohibited Certificate Authority certificates on Windows systems
  • Control Flow Integrity: A hardware-based method for preventing memory corruption exploitations
  • GRASSMARLIN: Provides network situational awareness of ICS and SCADA networks to support network security
  • OpenAttestation: Verifies system integrity
  • RedhawkSDR: A software-defined radio (SDR) framework to support the development, deployment, and management of real-time software radio applications

The full list of the projects can be found here and the GitHub page.

Source: http://thehackernews.com/2017/06/nsa-github-projects.html