Forensics investigators worldwide are linked through new database
July 12, 2017
Shah Sheikh (1294 articles)

Forensics investigators worldwide are linked through new database

The university of New Haven has developed what they call AGP (Artifact Genome Project), a database designed to revolutionize the way forensic data is analyzed and shared across the world between investigators. In short, it allows you to document how digital applications and information are structured while also recording what and where digital evidence is located, and how to decrypt the data if it is encrypted.

This means that someone in France can see how someone in UK decoded an app in order to save time from doing so himself. This new platform will solve cases more quickly as dependency on previous material speeds up the process of manual labor in a world where forensic investigators cannot keep up with all the new technologies and applications being created. All you have to do is upload an “artifact” to the database that includes where and how you got the information for other people to benefit from.

Source: SecurityMagazine